10 - 12 April: Ian and I fly down to Huntsville to get house appraised and inspected courtesy of Raytheon
18 April: Jamie drives to Fort Knox, KY to sign out of the Army
19 April: Jamie Returns to Tomah
21 April: Glenna's Birthday
23 April: Jamie drives to Tomah in the Rodeo taking my tools and some civvies
25 April: Jamie moves into furnished apartment courtesy of Raytheon. They will cover 60 days.
27 April: I close on the house but stay in the furnished apartment as I begin some basement and bathroom work.
4-6 May: I fly back up to La Cross and take a rental car to Tomah courtesy of Raytheon
18-20 May: I fly back up to La Cross and take a rental car to Tomah courtesy of Raytheon for Glenna's dance recital
1 June: I fly back up to La Crosse in the morning and take the rental car to Tomah courtesy of Raytheon
1 June: Ian graduates in the evening
2-6 June; Kids are at end of school parties and saying good-byes
3 June: Neil's Eagle Court of Honor
4 - 5 June: Packers at 830 White Pine Pass
4-6 June: Neil takes Life Guard Class at Tomah City Pool
6 June: Packers load moving van
7 June: Clear Quarters and either fly or drive away. Raytheon will fly the family and provide rental cars until the two cars they ship arrive. However, Scout may not make the trip so we are considering driving.
10 June Moved in to new house.