
Web Cam Portrait, December 2008

July 7, 2009

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15 December 2008

Photos from Jude this December. (Click on the photo to make it larger. Click BACK on your browser to return to this page.

Funky Prior Porch.JPG (363274 bytes)
Here are a few pictures of the house on Prior Street where I live now.  I live about four blocks from Mt. Stephen Avenue.  This photo shows the first floor porch.

Prior Street.JPG (278582 bytes)
This is a shot looking up at the second and third floors.  My room it at the top of the house.

Dining Room Prior St.JPG (270794 bytes)
Dining Room at Prior Street showing some of the art work done by one of my house mates

Rainbow.JPG (248291 bytes)
I was home the other day for a spectacular rainbow.  
You can see in this photo how high up my room is.  
I look down on the treetops.

MSA Re-lanscaped.Almost Finished.JPG (424883 bytes)

Tore out the small lawn and most of the vegetation in the garden borders.  Replaced the lawn with two layers of landscape cloth and 3 yards of river stone in various sizes.
And, there are 172 bulbs in the border and it has all been mulched for the winter.

Desert Fall Colours.JPG (468876 bytes)

There's an area we call the desert because it is high and has thin soil and bakes in the sun from dawn to dusk in the summer.  Everything you see in the photo is drought resistant and hardy enough to have survived through two summers of neglect and the desert looks better than ever.

Powell at Left.JPG (469773 bytes)
While Lynn is living in Ontario I'm doing property management for her.  I re-did the landscaping in the front this year. 
 I hired Powell through a local labour pool in the summer.  
He did all of the heavy work.

Snapdragons.JPG (418598 bytes)
I pulled almost everything else out of the beds but these hardy perennial snapdragons that have been there for the last ten years.  I figured they had earned the right to stay and anchor the new plantings. 

9 December 2005

Jude reporting in from Toronto, with a photo for the New Year. 

Click on photo at right to see larger picture. 
Click BACK on your browser to come back here.

December2005_040.jpg (414405 bytes)


5 October 2004

New pictures and news and wonderful stuff at the Lavender Hill store.

Early Photos of Jude

  • Some early professional pictures:

  • Peek-A-Boo, a favorite game with the door at the bottom of the stairs on Frost Avenue. 
    Those were red pj's and the slippers had bells. Shoe in the background is on Genevieve's foot.judehideseekcrop.jpg (4436 bytes)

  • In Plymouth Park. See also Plymouth Park Postcardl


lr 2005 Dec 9