To:; Cynthia Thayer; 'Breanna at Schoodic Arts for All'
Subject: Royalty agreement and "Art"  marketing

Attachments: Art_PerfCopy_MktReq.pdf

Attached is the PDF of the verso of the title page of 'Art'..
Note these are the further conditions as noted in 2. a. and b. below.
So, all advertising, programs, posters must have
A new play by Yasmina Reza
Translated by Christopher Hampton

with name of author and translator below and on separate lines in which no other names apprear, beneath the title and in size of type equal to 50% of the size of the largets, most prominent letter used for the title of the play. 

Above Art is 24 point, author and translator names 12 point. 

And, it must say:
Produced on Broadway by David Pugh, Sean Conery and Joan Cullman
March 1, 1998

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2008 3:26 PM
To: 'Cynthia Thayer'; 'Pauline Va. Angione';
Cc: Tim McCormick; 'Breanna at Schoodic Arts for All'; Charles Alexander Sr.
Subject: Re: "Art"  marketing

Here is rights agreement. Note, it makes reference to additional stipulations in the acting edition itself.

Title: 'ART'
  Author(s): Yasmina Reza, translated by Christopher Hampton


The nonexclusive nonprofessional stage performance rights to 'ART' are hereby granted to Mellie Anderson for the period 5/16/2008 through 5/25/2008, contingent upon payment of the performance royalty fee and subject to the following conditions:

(1) The play must be presented only as published in the Dramatists Play Service, Inc. authorized acting edition, without any changes, additions, alterations or deletions to the text and title. These restrictions shall include, without limitation, not altering, updating or amending the time, locales or settings of the play in any way. The gender of the characters shall also not be changed or altered in any way, e.g., by costume or physical change.

(2) The author(s) shall receive credit as sole and exclusive author(s) of the play in all programs distributed in connection with performances of the play and in all instances in which the title of the play appears for purposes of advertising, publicizing or otherwise exploiting the play and/or a production thereof; the name(s) of the author(s) must appear on a separate line in which no other name appears, immediately beneath the title and in size and prominence of type equal to 50% of the largest letter used for the title of the play.

  (a) All programs must include any additional acknowledgments set forth on the copyright page of the Dramatists Play Service authorized acting edition under the paragraph entitled SPECIAL NOTE. 

  (b) All programs must include the following statement: “Produced by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc.” 

(3) Performances must take place on the dates specified above, in the location designated. Any proposed changes in the dates, venue or number of performances must receive prior written approval by Dramatists Play Service, Inc. in order to be effective. If you cancel any performances you must advise us in writing or else you will be billed as if the performances took place. Payment must be received in full by the due date, or this account will be considered in default.

(4) This authorization applies to nonprofessional stage performance rights only. All other rights of every kind and nature, including but not limited to television, video or audio taping, in whole or in part, or any other form of mechanical or electronic reproduction, such as information storage and retrieval systems and photocopying, are reserved by the author(s) and are not included in this authorization. Reproduction of any kind, including for personal use, is also strictly prohibited.

(5) In addition, amateur leasing rights for this production or for any of the plays listed in our Catalogue may be withdrawn at any time. Any fees previously paid will be promptly refunded, and Dramatists Play Service, Inc. shall have no other financial or legal responsibility with regard to such withdrawal.

Additional Conditions:
See acknowledgments set forth on the copyright page of the Dramatists Play Service acting edition under the paragraph entitled SPECIAL NOTE.
From: "Pauline Va. Angione" <>
Date: 2008/03/29 Sat PM 09:44:16 CDT
To:, 'Cynthia Thayer' <>
Cc: "'Pauline Va. Angione'" <>,
        'Breanna at Schoodic Arts for All' <>,
        Tim McCormick <>,
        "Charles Alexander Sr." <>
Subject: "Art"  marketing

MELLIE:Are the contractual things we need to take into consideration as we design marketing materials for "Art"--e.g. I am assuming that we need to include Christopher Hampton as translator in addition to Yasmina Reza as author?? Any font size proportions, etc.?? CYNTHIA/BREANNA:Cynthia, can you design us a poster or is that Breanna's job now??In either case can we start throwing around ideas? NOTE: the name of the show is 'Art'WITH the single quotes  CYNTHIACan you write us a long and short press release?Can you get any of the papers to run it?Do you have contacts at e.g. WERU so that we could do an interview of a 'teaser' scene on the radio?? The guys are going gangbusters on learning their lines, so we would be ready any time.Do you think we should try to get anyone out to review it? ____________ Pauline __

Pplease don't print this e-mail unless you really need to.