Mama' Boy Bistro

Last updated 28 May 2003

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The official Mama's Boy Bistro page:

Week of May 27. 2003

The building is almost finished. Stay tuned for opening info. (I will fill in some of the "missing" weeks pix as time allows

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Facing the ocean.

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The upstairs Mezzanine seating space.


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Front "Door"

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Topping off of another sort.



Week of March 17, 2003

The wind is still blustery and cold but the sun was out--and some windows were in!

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Compare earlier view down this page.

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Roof with Hood Vent

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Topping off?

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Jones Pond Warns: 
"Swim at your own risk,"

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Future Parking Lot?

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Sunset in Acadia Park. 
Just for pretty.


Week of March 15, 2003

Went by today for the first time in a while.

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Working in the VERY Cold  

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Upper Story


Week of February 15-22, 2003

I wasn't out there today, Saturday, but as of yesterday, wow!  Compare the current construction with the conceptual drawing and you can really see the new building shaping up.

                                  Concept         MamaConcept2.jpg (60936 bytes)


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February 21

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Guy Wires

Week of February 7-14, 2003

Timbers on site makes a big difference! It is Monday Feb 17 and these were taken on Friday 14th. 
They were working there yesterday, so there is probably more progress today--but it is too cold to go look!

The Scene

Close up

The Necessaries

From the Corner

See same last week below.

From Rt 186

From up the hill


Week of February 1-7, 2003



    Early Rocks


The Olde Place

Rock Detail