Molly's Page
last updated Jan 2008--but still needs work.
January 2008

Above, Molly and a couple of her friends in the front yard of
the house after the first storm in December. Just short of 4 years old!

September 2007: Well. she is 3 1/2 now! And, she maintains a
trim 93 pounds.
Guess this page needs updating too! Soon.

Molly December 19. 2004--5 days short of 1 year, 98.5 pounds
and still growing.
Compare this with shot below from 12 weeks just below or 8
weeks here.
11 months, 25 days, 98.5 pounds. Bill's head IS bigger than mine.
Click on above picture to make it even bigger!

March 24, 2004: Molly is now 13 weeks old.
She weighs 28 pounds--twice what she weighed at 8 weeks when we picked her
News Flash: Feb 23,
Molly has her own
BLOG--web log. News & pictures more often than here.
here to go to the BLOG Be sure to Bookmark it in your browser so you
can visit often.
I will still be updating this page, but
for the latest news, go to the BLOG

Molly at 8 weeks 1 day and Molly at 11 weeks 4 days. Same
Well, it looks like the Puppy is going to be Molly--as in Red Molly
from the Richard Thompson song.
We picked her up today, Feb 18. She did the 6 hour long ride home like a
real trouper, car sickness and all.
Spike is remaining neutral as to whether or not he will acknowledge her
existence. She is fascinated with his tail. (He parents' and grandmother's are
CR: 2004 Dec 20 and 10 Sept 2007 |