April 1, 1947

Pub. in the kitchen:                                                         Weather: Stinkin'
Crestfallen Manor 
339 Frost Ave.                                                             Editor: Genevieve
Rochester 8, N.Y.                                                         Publisher: Charles

Dear Subscribers:

Well, kids, another month has rolled around and I don't know about you but 
me, I'm squashed right under it! March came in like a lion - one with two 
heads, yet - and since I'm one of those foolish people who put their faith 
in the wisdom of the old proverbs, I settled down in the midst of my aver-
due-pwa and waited for the lamb. March 21st was lovely and I was out in 
shirt sleeves inspecting the spring flowers which the melted snows revealed 
up brave inches. That's all, brother! Spring came and went. It's been 
snowing, freezing, thawing, backing and filling ever since. That's one 
thing we have up here - weather.

One sloppy Saturday I went 2nd-hand shopping, however, bound and determined 
to get a dining room table with elbow room. I climbed up into all the 
lofts and down into all the cellars but finally found just what we need - 
probably the very one the March family had for all those little women but 
we mix 'em up , little men and ditto women. It's big enough for eight 
comfortably just as is and with two leaves in it you could feed an army in 
a couple of servings. Nine bucks - delivered. Walnut.

Hunting for that I also found something we've wanted for these Indians for 
a long time, too. Howdie is 6 1/2 and we've wrecked four sets of kitchen 
chairs. Don't ask me how because I don't know. They just fall apart. But 
I fooled them this time! I got four ice cream parlor twisted steel wire 
ones! They are going to be cute when they're painted red because Charles 
cut circles of the red Spanish tile linoleum we used for the kitchen floor 
for them and even painted brown they look gay.

Finally got the linoleum down on the kitchen floor, too, and 6 inches up 
the walls with a steel trim to go on shortly. Between the floor and the 
kitchen unit Charles built all the way across the long side, plus a coat of 
paint all over, the kitchen is a far cry from the wood shed and summer 
kitchen that it used to be, I'll tell you.

The linen closets and catch-alls are built along the bathroom wall, too, 
and are painted with one coat. Gives the impression of a streamlined train 
a little but we can sure stick a lot of stuff into all that extra cupboard 
space, chillun. The whole bathroom has a coat of paint - ivory - too, so 
that a person can hang up a towel without worrying about getting sick 
looking at it against that robin's egg blue.

FOOLISH QUESTIONS: People are forever writing, "I don't see how you find 
the time..." Let's get this straight once and for all, we don't find the 
time. We steal it. Instead of staying up late for card parties, or 
lifting a few with the boys, we stay up and work. Same difference except 
that we do have something to show for it besides the circles under our 
eyes! Personally I think 24 hours in a day is a short-sighted arrangement 
anyhow. We have plenty of pep to work more than 16 hours but we do not 
know the secret of sleeping QUICKLY. Once we get that one figured out 
we'll be in the clear.

SECRETS: Since we cannot afford a research dept., I don't know whether I 
have explained this printing process or not and surely you don't expect me 
to look through all those back issues. So, I'll tell the story once more 
and we have 


no patents on it, so those of you who wish to go and do likewise are 
welcome to it. One thing: practice up on your typing so that yours won't 
come out like this one does. Sometimes I marvel that I used to earn a good 
living at this! So:

Get a can of Hectograph Jelly at any stationers' and a cookie pan at any 
hardware. Buy a dozen sheets of Hectograph carbon while at the former 
establishment and some cheap bond paper, such as Badger, and you're all set 
to go. Follow the directions on the can and pour the stuff into the cookie 
pan. Let it stand 24 hours. Meantime type up your words of wisdom and 
then place the carbon copy of same upside down on the gunk, press well 
unpeel and then get as many duplicates as you wish up to our total - 40 - 
by placing a clean sheet of paper on the thing, rub gently and peel again. 
That's all there is to it but let me warn you: You'll probably start out 
with a dozen, as we did and inch up to 50.

Say, that reminds me of a good question: Where do you people find time to 
read this every 30 days? (Don't answer that, Doc!)

VITAL STATISTICS: We're down one and up one again since the last issue. I 
did tell you the guest room is free again, didn't I? Well, our extra man, 
Rudy, was moved, by request, to another home. It's a long story but this 
isn't an invalid home for delicate children nor is it a club for their 
footloose parents. Anyhow, he left. Then somebody down at Catholic 
Charities turned the sign around so that it read: "Angione's Bed Is 

Anyhow, after a week of comparative peace, they called and asked us to take 
in a little guy named Sam who was just heck out of luck for a place to put 
his head until they had time to dig one up. It developed that I couldn't 
say "no" and mean it, so Sammy moved in and TOOK OVER. He's a born Top 
Sarge, that guy. Sturdy as an oak stump, bright as a pistol and raised on 
Full O' Pep or I'm mistaken, he decided inside of a couple of hours that he 
wanted to stay here until he was a man. "You're just the kind of a lady I 
like," says he at supper. "I love you already. And I love that big girl 
(Chris!) and the dog love me already, too. Did you know that? He kissed 
me!" He was born in August like Howdie and living with the two of them is 
like being locked up with Father Time and his brother. Some of the things 
that come out of those two!

Inside of an hour he had taken Howdie's place as the "father" in playing 
a house game and at supper he told us, "I'm the father and that girl 
(Chris) is the mother and he (Howdie) is the salesman. He's trying to sell 
us things for our new house but we aren't going to buy much - we've got 
almost all the stuff we need!"

And instead of saying "Rudy, stop playing and eat your supper!" we now 
say in chorus, "Sammy, the house isn't on fire and you aren't catching a 
train! Take your time, boy!" Mo matter what we get after this it will 
strike somewhere between those two - they are Alpha and Omega, period!

INCIDENTALLY: Did it ever occur to any of you folks that out at your own 
orphanages there are probably children without a known relative to take 
them "out" as they say even for Christmas and Easter and a Sunday now and 
then? It wouldn't hurt some of you with cars and no children to go out and 
get acquainted and give the poor little kids a day in a home. We had a 
little guy "out" last Sunday and we're having him for Easter, when 
Dynamite Sam will be at his grandfather's and we've promised to let him 
come here for his two weeks' vacation this summer. Take the hint, folks. 


THEATRE: The Community Players are reviving "Hasty Heart" from last year 
the Rotary Club benefit. Haven't been over to see a rehearsal yet but I've 
heard it's very good and the cast has even been improved so the kids should 
have a nice pile of long green to run their camp.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: (Note: somebody suggested this and believe me, 
people, I'll pick extra good or extra nasty ones only!)

Monett, Mo.: Renew my subscription quickly. Am in love with your newsy 
sheet." Ed.Note, That's what we like to hear (but frequently don't!)

Poughkeepsie, N.Y.: "A little while back I was hoping to see them (the 
children) in person, in ..... but unfortunately (if that is the word!) 
Genevieve did not have to go to the hospital." Ed.Note, Get him! Guess 
I'll put a good Webster on the Christmas list!

Winston-Salem, N.C.: "Enjoyed your March Bulletin, look forward to them 
now..." Ed.Note, Like sulphur and molasses - gotta get used to it!

WARNING: I'd better hear from Pittsburgh about those African violet leaves 
that found themselves roots somehow or other or there is going to be 
something to pay and you all know what.

NOTE: Looking over the mailing list I discovered so much cloth on it that 
I'll have to brush up on polite cussin'. There are an: S.J., C.S.P., O.P. 
(he's the guy with the printed matter at his disposal which we get instead 
of letter! God bless him, the lazy!), C.S.C. and a plain Rev.

BROTHER IT'S NO CINCH DEPT: Broke down recently and bought a book on how 
to fix up your broken down shack to look like a million dollars. It cost 
me a buck but we got one good idea out of it anyhow. We're gong to make 
the stairs go the other way. No kidding. Unless you've served a couple of 
hitches in the Navy on active duty you can hardly get back down stairs 
after you once make it up there. So, we're going to turn them to go down 
the other way to a landing in what is now that closet in the Play Room (see 
diagram in Feb. issue). Then we can have a step or two down to another 
landing under the playroom window and a last step from that. It will put 
the clothes closet in the living room where it will be handy to both the 
front and dining room doors, too.

NUTS: Those of you who subscribe, as I do, to the Woman's Home Companion 
have no doubt noticed the article in the current issue about the house in 
Connecticut that two dear people made over. Looks and sounds lovely but 
don't overlook two things: the nice hardwood floors in the "Before" 
shots, the two fireplaces, etc. And second, the gimmick in the last 
paragraph about the film they made of their work and progress with "the 
cooperation of the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co." Phooey!

They should have started with an old 65 years young joint like this, honey. 
And take my word for it they wouldn't have had time or patience to make a 
movie of their progress at 4:00 a.m. any more than we did! I got a plate 
glass mirror for over my dining room server, too, but it isn't a mile 
square and I got it with coupons from the grocery store premium parlor. 
And instead of building glass "powder rooms" in a nice tile hall with a 
good oak turned stairway already in it, I'd like to have a movie of them 
building a kitchen unit like we did out of old bed frames, orange boxes, 
porch roof boards, bureau drawer fronts, plywood and heaven only knows 
what. I love these people who make their bid when they start out with a 
nine card suit in their own hand and then pick four more in the dummy! 
Brave little things!


Holy cow (both ends of it, too!) I'm going to have trouble with the 
printers' union. Four pages and Charles will turn handsprings in the 
coalbin. Well, what can a wind do but blow? He knew all about it when he 
married me because I wrote him long letters and he looked forward to them.

But this month I'm going to have to leave off the personal notes on the 
backs of these things. That takes another couple of nights, do you know 
that? Consider your letters answered in toto.

MEDICAL: Heaven help us all, the flu got us, too. Had Charles home for 
two days in bed after he finally decided he couldn't like walking around 
only half alive. No Howdie is laid low but he is so noble about being sick 
that he kills me. Charles just sleeps but Howdie is brave. Oh, dear and 
the girls keep going up to keep him company so I'll have them on my hands 
Holy Week. me, I've got a sore throat but I gave myself a new bob and then 
a shampoo and wave this afternoon, so I'll probably be okay by tomorrow. 
If I take care of myself something terrible happens.

And today, while cutting the wig back to normal proportions, it suddenly 
dawned on me that there are still extant some of those who knew me when I 
first cut my Rapunzel locks years ago in good old Pittsburgh. Say, where 
has all that time gone? There's been millions of minutes since then, 
people, a lot of them misspent, too. But praise the Lord and never mind 
the dye, I haven't many gray hairs yet and not store choppers, either. 
Considering it all, I have nothing to complain of, even if my creditors do.

HARD LUCK: One blight has appeared recently however. The Boy Scouts got 
their hooks back into Charles and he is on the Bishop's Committee of 
Laymen, so I can be grateful I like to knit, radio, sew, etc. because I'll 
have plenty of time while he's out organizing troops - for free.

But I'm resigned to some things. He's stayed home nights for nine years 
and I think that's something of a record in this day of matrimonial merry-
go-rounds. I think it's safe to let him out. Maybe, like the Prodigal 
Son, he'll be glad to get back home after his fling.

Life will, if you let it, teach you many things. Take my laundry hamper. 
Anybody who doesn't believe in miracles would definitely believe in the one 
about the loaves and the fishes if they'd see my hamper. I do! Yesterday 
I washed again and the cellar is full. But the hamper is full, too. As a 
matter of fact, I'm inclined to believe I have here that very same cute 
little basket we've all heard so much about. Only the lack of any odor of 
fish convinces me that it isn't. 

Now I must quit. A very happy Easter to all of you dear people. You know, 
we have met in our travels some of the nicest folks and you can all take a 
bow before the nearest mirror because we do mean YOU. We're glad that we 
know all of you. Remember us in your various kinds of prayers and we'd 
like you to know that the whole family here prays for all of you every day 
before our lovely Christ Child of Prague. God bless all of you at this 
lovely season of hope. All our love, too.