Jan. 1952

Pub. At Genchas Inn                                                                                    Editor: Genivieve

339 Frost Ave.                                                                                            Publisher: A Borrowed mimeograph

Dear Peoples:

What goes by you?  We have been catching Kingdom Come about not writing to people.  And from folks who, if you don’t mind, never lift a finger to send us anything but these bawling-out Christmas cards with such a sweet sentiments on the fronts!  We do note, however, the cumulative conscious shines through all the penned notes – every body thinks we just don’t mail the News to them anymore.  If it will make you feel better to know it, this is the first issue in well over a year!

You see, dahlings, we are very busy.  Judy has thrown this outfit into a turmoil and no joking.  Dumping a new baby into a gang of grown-ups like we were is a very back-handed joke.  Our kids are very efficient characters who need and want a minimum of personal attention.  All the bottles, feedings, washings, baths and slumber parties we had to indulge that baby in were time-wasters supreme.   Now that she has been walking for nearly four months, our troubles have been multiplied.

She is a cute little fat blond with more brass than a Chinese monkey.  She is a feminine Howdie all over again.  As yet she talks very little but like me with the Italian language, she gets the drift, speakee or no speakee.

But to catch up on the news about everybody:

Howdie is ill since August, is top man in the 6th grade, serves as first master at church functions and alter boy at all hours of the day and night, helps his Dad and keeps up the file of my real estate cards at home.  He’s far from slim, his hair has become dark like mine.  He has been wearing big plastic-framed glasses like mine for about two years and is a very capable guy.

Chrisie was 8 ½  the day after Christmas. She isn’t big because she wears size 8 dresses, has smaller hands and feet than Paulie, dark hair down to her waist with a little curl in it so that we can make it into nice finger curls which she loves.  She’s a very feminine little person.  She does very well in school and is well liked by her teachers and other students.  She talks less than any of them except Judy but she is very capable, too, and can be a big help with proper instructions.  She’s in 3rd grade.

Paulie is nearly 7 ½ now.  She is thin and jumpy as a Mexican bean.  Her cloud of lovely curls has been cut - much to her relief - and she now skims along with a short bob that takes very little care.  She is doll crazy but climbs trees, skates, rides bikes and wagons and loves to dress in dungarees and shirts on any but state occasions.  She is affectionate, loves to stick her nose into cooking, baby tending and other domestic problems.


Judy will be 14 months on the 14th. As most of you know, she was born under very difficult conditions and lived in spite of all the predictions that she couldn’t make it.  She was asphixiated you see, and if she lived she was expected to be a spastic or cerebral palsy victim.  The dear Lord heard the thousands of prayers that the priest and nuns and other friends offered for her and she is super-normal.

Last week she went to her first play and enjoyed all the action. Men in the lobby between acts were slightly surprised when she hugged them around the calves but that was all.

Crestfallen Manor has been fixed up some more.  This past summer we put a belt course so that the top half could be painted a fairly dark green right up to the roof.  The only white trim is the three sides of the windows.  The bottom, of course, stayed white, with only the window sills and frame-sided green.  Looks very fine and makes the house come down out of the clouds somewhat.  It’s a big place, you know, but looks so skinny that every one is surprised when they get inside.

GENCHAS PRODUCTS.  Some of you don’t seem to get the drift.  We joke about the children being ‘products’ but Genchas Products is our living and has been for going-on three years.  We make quite a few chemical products, chiefly synthetic detergents, the best known of which are Genchas Maid for household use and GenchaNite for industrial purposes.  We also make Fabrene for furniture cleaning, Sterigent and Quatergent for cleaning and sanitizing in eating places, veterinarians, farms, milk plants etc.  Our GlycoSpray is a fragrant air purifier and germ killer.  Then, we also manufacture special formula for various industries - weld testing fluids, etc.

Our factory is in our big old cellar and thousands of gallons in drums, cans, jugs, quarts and samples leave through the old double cellar doors every year.  We had to move the furnace when we put in a new one, discontinue our home canning operations and put the laundry operations up into the kitchen.  God has been good to us.  We have done well on our own.  Most little businesses fold their first or second year and we are going to end our third year in May this year.  We’re very grateful

Charles is still just the same.  Any of you would know him if you met him unexpectedly on. the street.  He’s like a rock - always the same.  The kids are all crazy about him but Judy is laboring under the delusion that he is hers.  She’ll learn!

Me?  Same old jerk.  And if we hear form any of you ingrates, we might cut another stencil soon.

                                                                                                Our best to all,

                                                                                                         Genevieve and the Gang