Charles and Others pre 1950

Modified 16 May 2002

For Post 1950 see: Rochester Pages

Genevieve, Howard, Chris, Paulie

CFA_GRA_ChasGen1939.jpg (45904 bytes)   In ~ 1939.                                       On the Beach with Howard 1941   CFA_HFA_BeachJuly41.jpg (36483 bytes)
   Noni was on the other end of the log!  

  Angiones47or48.jpg (61454 bytes) Chas, Genevieve, Paulie, Howard, Chris in ~1948     1950's      cfa_solo.jpg (15208 bytes)

     The  Genchas, or more properly Genchanite Logo that Charles and Genevieve used on their detergent labels.
                                        Charles in the Lab on University Avenue--late 1960's    cfa_lab.jpg (20236 bytes)

        CFA_GRA_751.jpg (42120 bytes)   With Genevieve at 751 Harvard Street, November 1968.
