Dodson's New House

Last Revisions 18 July, 2001.

The Dodson clan moved in on June 10, 2001.

I don't have the details but here are the pictures

For larger picture click on thumbnail. Click back button on your browser to return to this page.

Jamie's View SaturnV.jpg.jpg (11831 bytes)
1. Across Side AcrossSide.jpg (113543 bytes)
2. Across street and For Sale Sign AcrossStReMax.jpg (83730 bytes)
3. Back? Windows BackWindows.jpg (128006 bytes)
4. Bookcase, ceiling fan. BookcaseCeilingFan.jpg (20145 bytes)
5. Front. FrontLeft.jpg (106826 bytes)
6.  Glass Window Wall. GlassWindowDoors.jpg (36355 bytes)
7. Kitchen. kitchen.jpg (46219 bytes)
8. Long shot, front. LongShotFront.jpg (99864 bytes)
9. Neighborhood. Neighborhood.jpg (103913 bytes)
10. Pool table. PoolTable.jpg (43269 bytes)
11. Front yard, trees, driveway. TreesDriveway.jpg (110732 bytes)
12. Trees, front. TreesFront.jpg (127177 bytes)
13. Trees, street TreesStreets.jpg (114020 bytes)