GRA Ancestors

Genevieve Rita McCarthy Angione

Page last Modified June 18,2010 

Happy Birthday! July 12, 1906

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Above photo dated 1909.

July 12, 1906 Philadelphia, PA - December 6, 1970, Rochester NY

 (Click on images for larger version.)

For photos of some of Genevieve's Ancestors, click here or the GRA Ancestors link at the left.

GRA_GenJust1919.jpg (44808 bytes)  With brother Justin, 1919        1924 GRA_Genev1924.jpg (61627 bytes)         Necktie Picture   GRA_Tie.jpg (50134 bytes)

1927 Beach gra_1927.jpg (17795 bytes)                                   1927  GRA_GenNov27.jpg (25865 bytes)                            ~ 1929   GRA_Genev1929.jpg (37164 bytes)                

                                                 In the "Flivver"   GRA_GenFlivver.jpg (127748 bytes)  

                                                        The dust cover photo from the first book. GRA_Pix480.jpg (19869 bytes)

CFA_GRA_751.jpg (42120 bytes) Charles and Genevieve November 1968 in front of the house on Harvard Street. Pauline was home for an interview at Xerox and had made the coat Genevieve is wearing.

Genevieve's Early Essays

Genevieve wrote articles and essays re life at 339 Frost Avenue and had some of them published in a variety of magazines. Howard has been scanning them so watch here for them to post (The "webmaster" is a little slow at that sometimes.)

Note, these are .jpeg images of the original pages--so they are big but they capture the detail.. If you click on the link you will get (eventually, if you are on a slow line) an image of the entire page. You need to use the SCROLL bars on your browser to view the entire page. I will work in making a smaller version but right now when I do that I lose too much detail. 

  • Meditation Modern Version, Sign Magazine, August 1952
  • ...more to come

Genevieve's Books 

BookLogoGRA.jpg (17506 bytes) The First Book

In the late 1960's she wrote a, "All Bisque and Half Bisque Dolls", illustrated with pictures taken by Charles, of dolls in her collection. It is out of print now, but still shows up in some antique shops and used book dealers.

alldolls.jpg (54629 bytes) The Second Book

"All Dolls are Collectible" was published posthumously. It was co-Authored and completed by Judith Whorton.