The Surroundings

Again, remember, these are thumbnails, so click for a better view.

The Yard

The yard is about 300 feet deep and 150 feet wide, for a total of ~ and acre. (For those of you who are better at remembering the size of an acre, don't bother to calculate: it isn't a right regular rectangle.) 

It backs onto the waters of Prospect Harbor, which, about .5 mile down the bay turns into open water--the Atlantic.

  November 2001 January 200`

The driveway.

driveway.jpg (109778 bytes) PHarVanView.jpg (9794 bytes)

The view once you get closer to the water. This is where we see the sunrises.

asunrise.jpg (65691 bytes) ExtShoreripple480.jpg (68012 bytes)

A night shot

SunsetLighthouse.jpg (54554 bytes) view1bay.jpg (44614 bytes)

The Neighborhood

There are a lot of old Victorian houses about. Some of them in better shape than others.

The Community Center NeighCommCntrEve.jpg (27738 bytes)
The Church NeighChSunsetCrop.jpg (31362 bytes)
The neighbors out the driveway to the West. NeighCrosstoNNear.jpg (205784 bytes)

Acadia National Park

And, around the corner--about 2 miles--is Acadia National Park. With views of Mt. Desert Island, and Mt. Cadillac.

  Nov 2001 January 2001
Rocks, lava, granite. And waves. waves.jpg (62277 bytes) ScLaveTrapGran.jpg (53337 bytes)
View of Mt. Cadillac to the West. This is where we see the sunsets. MtCadSunset.jpg (21856 bytes) ScMtnRock2.jpg (62263 bytes)

And, just in case you want to ask a few questions, back to page one.