Welcome, Come on In

The Front Door is not the most common entry into the house, so we will be entering via the back door--East and closest to the water.

Greetings, you have just come in the back door into the mud room/back hall. The Lobster Pot was in the Garage. The toolbox is from Kennebunk and the Christmas lights are just for fun. Turning left...

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This is the real back door--the kitchen is just inside.

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The door you came in is to the right of the chalk board. The Chart on the wall has the canonical "this is where you are" arrow.

The table was in the attic, the tablecloth from Boulder, the chairs are stolen from the dining room. Proceeding to your left, through the kitchen we arrive at the Foyer.

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The kitchen. Lots of pots and pans, a propane stove--yeah, cooking with gas! We did lots of cooking. Then we sit at the table by the window and look out at the water. Doing a sharp about face from here, you enter....

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The Foyer. This photo taken from the stairs, shows the wonderful fireplace, the front door and the entrance to the living room.

The Foyer leads (counterclockwise from the kitchen door) into the den (an enclosed porch that has bookshelves galore), the front door, the Living Room, the Dining Room and the stairs up to the second floor.

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The Den. Lots of bookshelves. Not much going on here now. Figure we will paint it out white to make it brighter. It was a porch originally, so there are no rooms on the floors above it.

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Proceeding on into the Living Room, we have a rocking chair from Kennebunk, a chair from the office upstairs, tables, etc. A lovely room that faces South and West.

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Continuing in a counterclockwise direction we pass the couch,  assorted animals from Kennebunk, the fireplace (not shown) and head for the dining room.

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The Dining Room has a grand large table, breakfront and credenza and views of the Harbor. We are told there will be lobster boats out there soon. We were happy with the bald eagle and the fox tracks out the window.

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A better view of the Dining Room. Now turn left again, and you will be facing...

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The stairs to the Second Floor.

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Oops, we forgot the Pantry. It is under the stairs, between the kitchen and the dining room.

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Now, on to the second floor.

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