Charles F. Angione

Jan 7, 1904 Norwalk, CT -- June 6, 1969 Rochester, NY

Last updated  29 August 2006

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Early Charles

cfa_1926.jpg (56888 bytes)Circa 1926           Fordham  CFA_FordhamStndt.jpg (37609 bytes)     1933 & 1934 Driver's License cfa1933.jpg (18235 bytes)  

                          CFA_HockeyPlayer.jpg (38732 bytes)   Hockey                        More Hockey    CFA_HockeyPlayer2.jpg (17227 bytes)

           CFA__EagleScout.jpg (63270 bytes)  Eagle Scout                                 Scouting Uniform CFA_UniformedScout.jpg (31651 bytes)                       

              CFA_Swim.jpg (31000 bytes)  Diving at camp               Scout? Photographer  CFA_Photographer.jpg (32622 bytes)

Scouting ID's

Charles and His Ancestors

We are a little short on these at the moment, but we are working on it.

                MariaChristina.jpg (15961 bytes) Maria Christina D'Urso Angione. Charles's mother. 
                                            Also know to us as Noni. (sp?)

Frank, Maria, Charles and a horse in a photo dated 1911. 
Charles would have been 7 years old.

Thanks to Chris for the scan and the restoration of the picture.


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Frank Angione 5.JPG (234389 bytes)


Fireplaces with Uncle Clinty--the "Counselor" and the "Commissioner"

  • The first one, in process, for Aunt Elsie and Uncle Irving. Clint poses.

  • The second one they built on Merchant Road for the Schefters