Christmas 2004
           Pauline, Bill and Molly, Prospect Harbor, Maine

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Molly  (Legacy’s Scarlet Ribbons) Born Christmas Eve, 2003
Age 11 months, 3 weeks.  Weight 98 pounds.


21 December 2004
92 Main Street, Prospect Harbor, ME 04669-5005

Dear Friends,

 I hope that this finds you and yours well and happy. We are snuggled in here at the ocean’s edge getting ready for another winter—our 3rd here. Amazing.

This year has flown, as have all those since we arrived here.  Bill and I are both on boards of various local organizations and there are always projects that need workers.   I am now on the Board of the local arts group, Schoodic Arts for All, as well as being their Webmaster and marketing/advertising person, which keeps me busy and out and about working with local merchants.  Schoodic Arts also has a theater group—the Meetinghouse Theatre Lab. Those of you have known me since high school/college will not be surprised to find that I am chief lighting maven and was also wardrobe mistress for the most recent play.  With a lot of help from three wonderful and productive friend seamstresses, we made 24 turn of the century Chinese costumes. We sold about half of them to the cast when we were done. Some were for funky street wear; one was a gift to an actor’s mother, etc.  Rewarding if exhausting.  I still like to keep moving, but I don’t move as fast or for as long. But, no complaints.

We also got involved in distributing a video, “Schoodic, Where Sea Meets Land” that was shot in August in the towns near us. The owners of a video production company in New Hampshire like to spend a week or so in Maine in the summer making documentaries. But, they had not been able to line up any sponsors or retailers. It seemed a natural for Bill’s web news service so we took it on.  My knowledge of the local merchants came in handy and we were able to get some good sponsorships and to sell over 600 videos since the premier Nov 6. Nice to know I haven’t lost the marketing touch.

Bill is back in school—via the Internet, thank goodness—to do another Master’s, this one in Accounting, so that he can be a CPA and work locally. So far, he likes it fine.  Hard to be back to homework and tests, but he is in the home stretch now, due to finish this summer.

But the biggest news this year is the dogs. We lost Maggie in January from a rapidly developing respiratory something.  She was 12.  As one friend said, she was such a presence; it is hard to imagine her gone. Then in June, Spike, at 14 followed her.  He just stopped eating one day and slowly drifted away. They were both good companions, and we miss them both a lot.

After our experience with Maggie as an example of the Giant Schnauzer breed, we decided that we wanted another Giant female. I found a breeder, Legacy Kennels, outside of Boston—via Google, of course. She had a litter born Christmas Eve, 2003.  We drove down to look, met puppies, sire (Max), bitch (Ellie), grandmother (Tikka) and breeder and signed up! On February—our 14th anniversary—we picked up Molly.  She was then eight weeks old and weighed 14 pounds. You can see her below—11 months 3 weeks old and 98.5 pounds! She is a charmer. She is very much her own person, is silly and playful, smart, and a good and constant companion. She loves the fact that Bill spends most days at home at his computer. She knows where he is. She goes with us everywhere in the car and has become a good traveller. So, we are down to one dog—but she now our biggest dog ever, so that is fine!  Her registered name is Legacy’s Scarlet Ribbons, but she is named after Red Molly from the Richard Thompson song Vincent Black Lightning 1952.  It fits.

Some of you have found us out here. We hope that more of you will in the years to come.  Wishing you and yours all the best in this coming year!

Pauline, Bill and Molly

Rachel and Nicole: The girls want to note that they are still members of this family, even though they were inadvertently left out of the original letter!  Rachel is now at the Maine College of Art (MECA) in Portland, Maine. She is liking it immensely. Nicol is at Univ of Colorado, Boulder and is now majoring in Political Science. Both of them were here for Christmas. They both started knitting last year while here and have been knitting up a storm ever since. Alas, no pictures from this year.

Our Address: Our real, final, forever address is below. The Post Office is getting quite cranky about things addressed to PO Box or HC. They are gone for good.

Pauline V. Angione & Bill Zoellick, 92 Main Street,  Prospect Harbor, ME 04669-5005

207 963 2242

lr 23 Jan 2005