Friends of Angione's

Clare and Bella on an evening stroll

Last updated 7 September 2008

Clare Lillian Dodson

A dear friend, Clare Dodson, died September 6, 2008 after a long and courageous battle with cancer. 
I had the opportunity to go out to San Diego and visit with her only last month. 
The picture above was taken July 25, 2008, on the Oceanview Harbor waterfront. 
We had gone for an evening stroll with her dear little dog Bella.

You can see her in various places on this page:

--Clare the citizen

--Clare pictures from the past


Shea's House on Lake Huron

Tom and Regina Shea are retiring this year. They bought a house in Michigan on Lake Huron. See the pictures!

Lee & David's House Next Door

Our neighbors to the North are remodeling their house--by remote. They are in Florida. Here are some pictures for them to see.

Brody Jordan

Brody has moved from the home page but he is still here.

Aunt Betty

  • Aunt Betty August 18 2003. 93 years old and still going strong. ABONoGlasses.jpg (45410 bytes)

2002: Aunt Betty went to the photographer and has a photo taken, but my scanners aren't working at the moment. But, Chris went to Rochester for a high school reunion and sent a few shots of Aunt Betty:

Clare Lillian Dymond Dodson

U. S. Citizen. These from Clare out in California. The last election spurred her on to shed her green card image and go for the genuine article. Congratulations Clare!

    ClareMarion.jpg (18537 bytes)  Clare and Marion

                    The man who inspired it all.   ClareW.jpg (14268 bytes)

dscf0034.jpg (19937 bytes) Brother Alan and his wife Beth Dymond.  

Recently Recovered

Found this picture from UMI days. Dave and ?

The St. Agnes & Nazareth Crowd--Back Then

Christmas Card Pictures Dec 2000

The Swenson's

The LeVan Kids

Dodson's Reporting In

Some pictures of the Dodson "Quarters" in Tomah, Wisconsin. Jamie, Joan, Ian, Neil, Glenna and Scout are also available for further viewing below.

Curriers reporting in

Christmas cards, 2000 from Dave and Kay, Dan and Mickie and their bunch. So write me is names are spelled incorrectly!

Maine Fall Shots

Jessie Norris and her husband Barrie Chapman came to visit us in Maine, these pictures just in:

A Quick Trip to Rochester

I made a quick trip to Rochester in early December to go to a Nazareth Class of '66 Book Club Christmas dinner and to see Aunt Betty. Details.

Ruth and Mac Crosby Page

This page has pictures from ages ago and from today. Some of Cove House, some of Angiones..

Ruth Crosby Homestead Pictures

I walked along Railroad Avenue and took some pictures this Fall.

Ruth's house ( I have an old photo to scan from when it was first here, when the trees were new, and the cottages green but that has to wait until I get back to Boulder.)
Ruth's view from the Kitchen of the LaFlamme's house.

Ruth and Dot Come for Lunch 

Dot used to work there at the Gold Hill Inn, and Rachel was working there this Summer at a Mountain Camp nearby. A good time was had by all. Investigating the Inn, checking out the organ, the dining room stove, checking out the General Store, having lunch, etc. Then there is the Historical aspect of all this.
Ruth sent some more hard copy pix which I will scan and post.

Aunt Betty Osborne and Family

Sally Everhardus

Martha Johnson

Regina and Tom Shea

Anna Kram

My favorite picture of Anna Kram, Regina's mother.

Bob Sheldon

Pauline used to sail with Bob in Chicago first on the Tucumcari, the Rhubarb, and the Evergreen. Julie sailed with Bob too.

Bob started playing the Chanter, years ago and now plays the bagpipes. Now he lives in Florida with wife Linda (pictures not yet scanned!) and he plays bagpipe for weddings, funerals, etc.

Chloe Martin

  • There is a NEW Martin puppy, Chloe. Pictures here soon..

The Roth's

Mary Diederich Ott

Mary was in Physics at UofC and now she is an artist, with a web page and gallery space now. 

Dodson Pictures

Clare came to Denver a couple of years ago to visit and brought some old photos. Stand by for more, but for starters: 
  • Ron and Marion at their wedding in 1980 (?) with Keith Morgan on the left..
  • From left, Don, Richard, Clare and Maryann visit Nubble Lighthouse in 1973.

 Some New Jamie and Joan Dodson Family Photos

  • See some 2001 pictures of the house in Tomah above.
  • An update of the whole gang: Neil, Ian, Jamie, Joan and in front, Scout and Glenna from Summer '98.
  • I visited the Dodson's in Vancouver, Washington this month. And, came away with a few new photos. Don't have them all online yet, but here are close ups of Glenna and Scout.

Ian Dodson at age 40 minutes.

Margo Jones

Tom Carruthers and Cara Tate

Julie Virgo Noolan

Michael Paesler

  • Michael remarried this Spring and Tom Carruthers and Cara Tate, which see, sent pictures.

Michael shovels snow in New York.

Susan M. Smith

Stanislaus V. Smith

  • Stan does the WSJ--ten years ago!

Ray & Laurie Howick

  • Ray and Laurie motor in a Flat Rad '53.

Linda Proe


  • lr PVA 23 Jan 04