Old Pauline PagesWhat's Here?These are pre June 2007 pages that were making the Pauline home page take too long to load. Nothing missing. Just in another place. To go back to the main Pauline Home Page or click on UP at left. September 15, 2006Yes, another birthday coming up. The 19th. Let's see. If the college reunion is the 40th, then that makes me.. Below, Pauline out enjoying the brisk Maine weather one Winter. April 10, 2006
November 14, 2005Molly likes sticks. She is very fond of this one which wraps so nicely around her jaw and over her eyes. Go figure. October 2005All in the Timing is the play that we are doing this Fall. August 18-20, 2005Aunt Betty turns 95! So, we took her out for dinner in Rochester at a nice place called Hedge's on Lake Ontario. The whole place sang Happy Birthday to her and she loved it. She wants reservations for next year too. Remember, click on the picture to make it bigger. Click BACK on your browser to return to this page.
Molly Again
Molly has a new toy. It is a Duck tug toy. She especially likes to carry it around by the hang tag--making it, I guess, a kinder, gentler tug toy. Early January 2005We are having a blizzard today. Maybe there will be pictures! The picture above--be sure to click on it to get it full size, then click BACK on your browser to return here--is from a recent walk in the park. That is Mt. Cadillac in the background. Note the high tide level as evidenced by the white snow line where the tide did not melt the snow. That is a common phenomenon around here and it makes the local rocks look like they have been frosted. The Christmas letter did go out. If we missed you it is here--complete with hyperlinks! 30 SeptemberMoved the site. Should not impact performance. If it does let me know ASAP. 24 August 2004
Pauline plays with Clay. Click here to see the pieces that I made--kinda kiddy quality but a start. And, click here to see the sign--more on this later. This is only a practice version. This is the finished version of the one pictured
above. 24 February 2004
Molly has a BLOG--a web log. Bill and I keep a running commentary on what she is doing. We post pictures of Molly, of Spike dealing with Molly. You get it. So, click on Molly BLOG at left, Molly BLOG on the home page, or Molly BLOG on the Molly Page. Or, type: http://www.zoellick.com/Molly/Molly.html in your browser and visit it often! February 18, 2004The puppy is here. The puppy is Molly. She is wonderful-but then we are prejudiced! February 12, 2004Well we are getting a puppy! Details at a new "Puppy Page". January 28, 2004.We lost Maggie today. She is sorely missed. January 23, 2004Nazareth College, class of 1966 plans a 60th Birthday party for itself January 10, 2004Well, I have been working on web sites all day, so now maybe I will update my own page. The Holiday Letter is at: Christmas 2003.
Christmas, 2003March 18, 2003.If you are looking for Mama's Boy page, click here! (Mama's Boy is a local restaurant. They built a big, new building over the Winter last year and these were pictures that I put up so that the owners--who were out of town--could see the progress of the work. 2002 below. 2003 above. 2004, click here.December 18, 2002The Christmas letters were to go out way early so that folks would have our new, permanent address. Well, they went out today--which is early for someone who has been known to send Valentine Christmas greetings. To see the 2002 letter, click here. As I say there, it has been a busy year. Will be putting up more pictures over the holidays. And, I forgot to mention in the letter, that my email HAS stayed the same. pauline@sugarloaf.net To cut to the chase and get the Cranberry Orange Muffin recipe, click here. April SnowThe truth in advertising rules require that I also send this
view out the back door this AM--April 26, 2002. About 3 inches of snow. Which is
rapidly melting, but it is snow. Pictures from Around April 19th WeekendSome pictures for Bill in Singapore and because Mary and Clemens came to visit.
Being HereWe have been in Prospect Harbor as our permanent home since arriving by van and truck March 13, dogs, ice, snow, flat tires and all. More about that later. Yes, we are liking it very much. Even amidst the boxes, things are strikingly beautiful. Like: More later. I do still have some unpacking to do. The MoveThe house sold very quickly. We were very fortunate. See "The Plan" for getting us to the East Coast. Kelly Road ListingWe have put the house here in Colorado on the market. The next step in our journey to Maine. Merry Christmas 2001 LetterThe electronic version of the letter that was mailed to many of you is here. Update to Prospect Page November 2001I was looking at the page of pictures that I put up last January of the house in Prospect Harbor, and realized that the place looks a bit different now. So, I updated the page with newer pictures. See for yourself. The '88 Subaru Gets a Bath
Just another Pretty Sunset
Maggie Gets a Bath
Stormy Day at SchoodicWe have had some pretty spectacular weather lately. We went over one day at both high and low tide to see what it looked like at Schoodic Point:
Birthday PresentsToday (September 19) is my birthday and I got several wonderful presents
Prospect Harbor HouseWell we closed on the house on Tuesday, January 16. Follow along with pictures at Prospect January. We love it. Christmas at 924 Kelly Road