Almond Poppy Seed Bread
Apple Crisp
Banana Pudding
Blueberry Pie
Breakfast Casserole
Carmel Pecan Rolls
Chocolate Cookies
Coffee Cake
Cranberry Orange Muffins
Cranberry Sauce
Eggplant Stuff
Flank Steak
Golden Syrup Pudding
Hot Cross Buns NEW!!
Hot Cross Judy D
Irish Soda Bread
Lemon Bars
Mary's Irish Raisin
Molasses Cookies
Pie Crust
Potato AuGratin
Rice Salad
Royal Baking
Scallops w/ Ginger&Spinach
Spritz Cookies

"Old" & New Family Favorites
We discovered that various favorite recipes from home in
Rochester had ended
up in different households.
And, as we go along we find others that we want to
Newest additions are BOLD, e.g. Irish
Soda Bread, March 2011
- Almond Poppy Seed
- Apple Crisp
- Baking Powder Biscuits
by Bakewell Cream
- Blueberry
Pie, Double Good
- Carmel
Pecan Rolls, a la Elaine Svenonius, circa 1967
Chicago Bicycle rides but a long time Christmas
morning favorite. For a printer friendly PDF, click here
Some that Chris emailed to us in 1996--Melt in the
Mouths, Vienna Crescents, etc.
- Cranberry Orange
Muffins "The 2002 Christmas Letter Muffins"
- Cranberry
Sauce From the Ricker Family Cranberry Bag,
Thanksgiving & Christmas 2007
- Coffee Cake
- Cookies,
"Rich" Chocolate c
- Corn Fritters,
a la Royal Baking Powder Cookbook, 1928
- Edisto recipes: (For those if you not there,
I went to a college get together in Edisto in late
March 2004.
The food was wonderful! Try some of these. You will
like them.)
- See Rice
Salad-Friday evening
See Tilapia-Friday
(Saturday evening was take-out
pulled pork barbecue. Sorry no recipe.)
See Banana
Pudding by Mary Ellen's friend, Diana Kirkland
See Breakfast Casserole--Sunday
- Eggplant
Salad a la Alan Dymond from Clare
- Eggplant stuff
- Eggnog
- Flank Steak Marinated in
Miso and Wasabi
- Fritters
from Genevieve
- Fresh Cranberry
Sauce, new Jan 5, 2008
- Frosting a la Gladys.
Boiled Frosting.
- Fudge of Genevieve
(and Divinity, no chocolate)
- Fudge, a la
Royal Baking Powder Cookbook, 1928
- Gingerbread from the Splendid
- Gluten Free Brownies.
For PDF click here.
Or go to source: http://www.celiac.com/articles/905/1/Buttermilk-Brownies-Gluten-Free/Page1.html
- Gluten
Free Pie Crust from Chris. She used
it at Thanksgiving and reports it is great.
- Golden Syrup
("Canary") Pudding from Clare's 1952 Good
Housekeeping Cookery Book.
- Hot Cross Buns
- Hot Cross Buns Judy D
- Irish Soda
Bread from the "Friden Lined Paper Series",
lovingly hand copied by Jude.
- Lemon
Bars. Made with Meyer Lemons. Yum!! We used
these in a play and they were a cast hit.
- Mary's Irish Raisin Cake
(no eggs, no cream)
- Molasses Cookies
- Penuche (Brown Sugar
Fudge)--by Genevieve
- Penuche, a
la Royal Baking Powder Cookbook, 1928
- Pie Crust a la Crisco
- Potato Onion AuGratin
- Rice Salad as per Edisto
- Scallops with Ginger
and Spinach from Cooking Light.
- Spritz Cookies
from Jude December 2002
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Last updated 14 March