What Was New 2004-2007

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November 2007

 Bill's into turning--lathes, that is.

October 26, 2007

New recipes: Corn Fritters, Fudge, Penuche all from an 1928 Royal Baking Powder Cookbook.

October 10, 2007

Above, Molly and Bill check out his new "turning tools"--as in Bill is getting a lathe.

I have tried to fix the links. Please let me know if they are still acting up at your end. If they are, be sure to to a Refresh or Reload of the web page in your browser. to be sure it isn't just reading out of a cache somewhere. Mail me at: pauline@angione.com

September 10, 2007

In addition to painting and sanding and moving furniture... more about that later...I did take some time this Summer to be in another show with our local theater group. We did some Improv and a couple of one act plays. I was in one by Shel Silverstein called "Tennis Shoe". It is about an incipent bag lady....talk about type casting. I just happened to have all the props--picture frame, hub cap, sweater, plastic rain coat, one tennis shoe, etc.

It was great fun. And, after jamming them into my head with the help of a tape that Bill did with me and that runs on my MP3 player, I actually didn't have any trouble remembering my lines

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With Charlie Alexander in "Tennis Shoe"

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A lighter moment during the Improv with Rose...
I have no memory of what we were doing...dancing?

June 22, 2007

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Quick stop in Kennebunk yesterday after dropping Bill at a flight in Portland. Drove by #8 Railroad Ave. The new owners, and their dog, have been busy!


May 12, 2007

The wedding was lovely. More pictures soon but this one of Kathleen and Mary was sent along for here.  

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Mar 15, 2007 It's Real Estate Week!

It has been a busy week in Kennebunk Beach. No. 8 has turned into a house on Fairway. Click here for more photos.

AND, there is a new house in North Carolina too. Click here for pictures.

  <- Maine


      N. Carolina ->


Aug 29, 2006

Chris finally got a chance to scan and restore the picture of Daddy riding a horse!


July 9, 2006

Yes, 100 years! Genevieve was born 100 years ago this week--July 12, 1906. 

Doesn't seem possible. To see more photos of her and her family on her page--click here.

April 10, 2006

See more photos of the old and new cars at Howard and Maryann's page. Click here

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April 3, 2006

We wallpapered the Bathroom! The paper has been patiently waiting for four years. So, when we discovered we didn't have enough paper !@#@!! we decided to paint one wall.

February 26, 2006

IceonRock1.jpg (318477 bytes) No, I don't like the blue on the home page either, but I can't figure out how to get rid of it. I have been trying for 1/2 an hour. Wish me luck next time.
Just a quick picture from a the park a few weeks ago. The ice sheet that had formed below a dam that drains Eagle Lake had broken up and been tossed every which way. Some up on the shore, as right, and one up on a rock to pose, as on the home page and above.

That is a Bubble Mountain in the background. (There are two Bubbles. Jordan Pond house is a the base.)

Be sure to click on picture for larger view. 

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January 17, 2006

Chuck gets the "Peoples' Choice" award from his company...

"if you had only one chance to get it right, 
whose advice would you depend on?"

Way to go!



January 7, 2006  

Fixed the link to the pictures of Tom and Regina's house in Huron Shores, Michigan The link was broken but is working now. 

December 20, 2005:

  • New photo of Jude from Toronto. See also Jude's page. December2005_040.jpg (414405 bytes)
  • New photos from Queens from November 2005. Click here to go there.
  • Bill has redesigned his web page to be his own portal--see our local weather, news, link to Molly BLOG--sadly out of date--and others. at: www.zoellick.com
  • Pictures from Françoise Huille coming shortly!

December 8, 2005

Bill and Molly climb Schoodic Head most mornings. Lately, that has meant ice. Pretty, eh?

November 14, 2005CheckOutthePearlyWhites.jpg (70747 bytes)


Molly likes sticks. And, she likes showing off her pearly white teeth. She gets her teeth brushed every night. It is a pack thing.


August 20th, 2005

Aunt Betty turned 95 on August 18, so we took her out for a little surprise birthday dinner.

Molly and Her Duck--see here.

16 February 2005

Molly came home with us a year ago this week. It seemed a good time to take stock.

Feb 15, 2004 Age 8 weeks.
Molly1yearCar.jpg (68125 bytes)
Feb 12 2005 Age 13.5 months

Note: My hand is still the same size.

31 January 2005

Read all about it! The Outer Banks Sentinel reprints Angione story.

23 January 2005

Mostly some housekeeping but:

Dec. 24, 2004: Molly's 1st Birthday! Molly11months21days.jpg (83537 bytes)

Molly will be 1 year old on Friday December 24th. She thinks that it is great that we put up a birthday tree in the living room with lights, Chris, Nicole, Rachel and Sadie are coming to visit, etc. She has never had a birthday that she remembers before so she is very excited. She now weighs 98.5 pounds. Quite a jump from the 14 pounds last February when we brought her home.

30 September

I have moved the site to a different hosting company. Everything should stay the same from your point of view. If you have any trouble, please let me know ASAP.

And, there are new pictures on the Chuck and Dawn pages of Chuck's recent trip to Japan.

24 August

Pauline took a clay course this Summer at the Schoodic Arts Festival. See her pages for some of the things she made.

8 July 2004

Nicol got a cat!! And, she had a birthday recently.

2 June 2004

A lot has happened lately:

20 April 2004 Where's the Puppy?SpikeMolly16.jpg (69292 bytes)

Molly is certainly getting bigger--by the moment it seems. 
She will be 17 weeks old tomorrow-April 21.


5 April, 2004

Some new knitted creations from Chez Nicol.

4 April, 2004

Nazareth College get together as a wonderful time! We even have our own website now. Visit us at: http://www.naz66.com

24 March                 

Molly is 13 weeks old tomorrow. See more on her page or her BLOG

24 February 2004

Molly now has her own BLOG--web log. We post pictures and comments almost every day. Read all about it on the Molly Page.

18 February

Molly is the puppy. And she is here now.

15 February 2004


Pictures of the new puppy that we pick up next week--February 18.  An eight week old Giant Schnauzer from South of Boston. 
Thus, a new Puppy Page.


Pictures of our neighbors' house that is being remodeled while they Winter in Florida.

January 31, 2004

Tom and Regina Shea are retiring this year. They bought a house on Lake Huron. See the pictures!

January 29, 2004

We had to put Maggie to sleep yesterday. We have had many nice emails and I have been adding them to the Maggie page. As one friend said, "So sad to hear Maggie's gone. She was such a decided *presence* it's hard to believe."

January 23, 2004

What is all this stuff about Edisto and Nazareth? The women in my class from Nazareth are going to hold a 60th Birthday party for ourselves. And, I offered to coordinate things on our site--sort of like we did for Kathleen's graduation. So there is a whole section NCR 60th.

AND I added Search to the site. If you click on Search on the Home page it takes you to a Search Form where you can enter the search term/s. It returns a page with links to pages with your term. Not elegant but you can get to Apple Crisp pretty quick! Or, of course, you can just use keep using Google and click on Search Site not Search Web. Let me know it/how it works for you

January 21, 2004

Just another wonderful sunset.

January 10, 2004

I updated the Pauline page!  Also created an Old Pauline Pages with thing 'retired' from the Pauline home page.

And, Mary and Clemens pictures are up from their trip out West this year. All of the pictures. They are working on text to go with some of them, but the pictures are pretty much named what they are.

January 9, 2004

I Split the What's New pages into Was New 2001-2002 and Was New 2003 plus this one for current news. 
All the old news is still there, but dividing it into pages makes the pages load more quickly. Amazing we have been at this for 3  years-since Dec 2000..

New Brody Jordan pictures.

January 6, 2004

New shots from Jude and Lynn of their yard (and roof) decorations and toasting the new truck.

For older entries, see:

For older entries, see What's New Archive


Rev PVA/2007 Sept 10